CDSCC - Station 43 Power Distribution Upgrade

  • Client
  • Timescale
    8 Months
  • Location
    Tidbinbilla, ACT
  • Industry
  • Service
    Civil, High Voltage, Low Voltage
  • Pillars
    Build & Commisison

Station 43 Power Distribution Upgrade

Deep Space Station 43 (DSS-43) was constructed in 1969 to 1973 as a 64-metre diameter antenna. The 64-metre antenna was more than six times as sensitive as DSS-42, the original 26-metre at the Complex. Therefore DSS-43 could communicate with spacecraft at greater distances from Earth as the signal became weaker. DSS-43 supported, as needed, the Apollo 17 mission to the Moon before the antenna's official opening in 1973.

DSS-43 was extended from a 64-metre diameter antenna to a 70-metre diameter in 1987 to enhance its capabilities for the Voyager 2 1989 encounter with Neptune. It is the largest steerable parabolic antenna in the
Southern Hemisphere.





Scope of works

Demolition & Civil

  • Demolish and dispose of high and low voltage equipment, associated infrastructure and cables earmarked for upgrade;
  • Excavate and construct new high voltage cable trench within high voltage switch room;
  • Re-route , excavate new cable trench for new critical feeder cables, install cables and backfill;
  • Installation of HV and LV mains between equipment located throughout Antennae DSS 43 and critical supply Power House;

Low Voltage

  • Installation of fourteen LV Main Switchboards throughout DSS 43 Antennae
  • Installation, Testing and commissioning of seven NHP stepdown LV Transformers
  • Construction of the earthing and bonding network, internally throughout DSS 43;


High Voltage

  • Installation, Testing and Commissioning of the new 5x HV Switchboards type MCset [ 2x Incomers, 3xOutgoing]
  • Installation, testing and commissioning of a 1000KVA and 500 KVA dry type TMC power transformers within theantennae;
  • Extend, joint, terminate, test and commissioning 2x 2.4KV Feeder Cables inside in new trench to supply MCsetSwitchgear.
  • Installation, Terminating , Testing and Commissioning 1 x 2.4Kv cable to CEC Transmitter
  • Installation, Terminating, Testing and Commissioning of 2x 2.4Kv cables between MCset Switchgear and 1000KVA & 500 KVA power transformers
  • Testing and commissioning of all HV apparatus and cables including primary and secondary testing; and
  • Installation and commissioning of the substation

Critical Power

  • Installation, testing and commissioning of ASCO Automatic Transfer Switch [ATS] between normal and critical supply;
  • Installation of 2x 60Kw UPS’s including maintenance bypass switches, battery cabinets, batteries and battery isolating switches.

One small step

The antenna HV substation, located on the ground floor within the antenna pedestal, presented significant challenges in terms of excavation and construction of new HV cable trenches in a restricted space.
Mining type HV cables, to supply the new 1000kVA transformer located on the antenna rotating structure, had to be pulled through, and installed within, the antenna azimuth cable wrap, which provides pathways for services (including electrical power, water for transmitter and wave guide cooling, communications, hydraulic oil for antenna servo equipment) from the ground to the antenna rotating structure.


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